reassessment form

Missed/Failed Assessment Policy:

Students ground to request to sit for an assessment due to missed or failed assessment

A. Students may request to resubmit for a missed assessment at no cost to the students on the following grounds:
  1. Due to damily illness, death, carer's responsibility- Appropriate supporting documents must be provided.
  2. If they were absent through illness on the day of assessment and if they can provide a doctor's certificate substantiating their illness.
B. If plagiarism or cheating is detected, STUDENT WILL FAIL THE ASSIGNMENT, (disciplinary record of the incident will be kept on the student file). The fee for plagiarism is $200 per unit.

Plagiarism: is defines as an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and representation of that author's work as one's own as by not crediting the original author.

Cheating is to take an examination or test in a dishonest way , as by improper access to answer.

Different forms of Cheating

  1. Giving completed assessment to another student.
  2. Looking up answers in the internet.
  3. Copying classmates answer to the assessment.
  4. Remove any copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials; or
  5. Paying another person to do your assessment


C. If the student failed to achieve competent results student may appeal for assessment result,the student has the option to choose to below;
  • Student may apply for re-assessment cited below in point A & C, and will incur a cost of $150.00 per unit.
  • It is compulsory for the student to submit the assessment to NAPS Moodle under the reassessment submission interface link.
Assessment Appeal Procedure
Step 1

If the student is unhappy with their outcome he/she need to do following within 14 days after the result date published.

  • Complete Assessment Appeal Form
  • Student need to explain why he/she feels that the original mark is incorrect.
  • Talk to the trainer who has marks the student assessment-trainer can re-mark the assessment or discuss why the marks should stand, or allow the student to re-sit.
Step 2

If the student is still unhappy with the result,student can appeal to the Academic Manager, who will review the outcome whether the outcome stands or whether it should change(If the student opted not to re-assesssed but the content the trainer's initial of not yet competent)

Step 3

If the student is still unhappy with the result,student may opt to see the Principal and decission is final if the outcome stand, at this point student must re-assessed to complete the unit satisfactory.